Monday, 30 September 2013


A trouble-free Washington, D.C., would be a bummer for Scandal fans. The same can be said for Jennifer Hudson, who plays an Olivia Pope-like character in this new Funny or Die spoof on Kerry Washington’s hit show. “I prefer ‘covert scandal manager,’ ” Hudson says when asked if she’s a “fixer.” In Scandalous, Hudson runs around the nation’s capital, meeting potential clients on park benches and in dark alleyways, hoping to solve some salacious publicity puzzles. Instead, she finds herself explaining the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Mike Farrah, president of production for Funny or Die, told Reuters that the video was privately funded and not paid for by the government. “If there was ever any money for Funny or Die – which there never was – I’m sure it would have been cut by the sequester long ago,” he joked.

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