Friday 25 October 2013


A North Carolina Republican got more thaD he bargained for when he sat down with The Daily Show’s Aasif MandviIn his Daily Show interview, which aired Wednesday, Yelton slammed “lazy black people that wants the government to give them everything.” He went on to admit he’d been accused of being a bigot before, but awkwardly added that one of his best friends was black. Noooo…he didn’t use that line! Hell nah! Yelton also said the voter ID law was not meant to hurt African Americans, but rather would wreak havoc on the Democratic party because it would disproportionately affect Democratic voters. Yelton also noted that while Mandvi, who is Indian-American, looks different than he does, he treated the Daily Show correspondent just like anyone else. “You realize we can hear you?” Mandvi said at one point during the interview. Watch Yelton’s The Daily Show interview below…forward to the 2:20 mark

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