Rob Ford , the mayor of Canada’s largest city, has been caught on video in an impaired rant saying he is going to kill someone and “rip his f—ing throat out.”Ford slurs his words as he staggers around an unknown dining room, apparently high, ranting gibberish and gesticulating wildly.
“I’m gonna kill that f—ing guy. I’m telling you, it’s first-degree murder,” Ford rages as someone in the room secretly uses a cellphone to film the chief magistrate’s addled tirade.
Moments after the Star published the video online, Ford emerged from his office and apologized. “The Toronto Star just released a video that I was very, very inebriated.” “All I can say is, again, I’ve made mistakes. I just wanted to come out and tell you I saw a video. It’s extremely embarrassing. The whole world’s going to see it. You know what? I don’t have a problem with that.”
“I hope none of you have ever or will ever be in that state. Obviously, I was extremely, extremely inebriated.” The target of the mayor’s anger in the video is not in the room and is not known to the Star. “I’ll rip his f—ing throat out. I’ll poke his eyes out. . . . I’ll make sure that motherf—er’s dead,” Ford says, then hitches up his pants as if bracing for action.
His ire appears to be directed at someone who has called him, and brothers Doug and Randy, “liars, thieves.”
Wednesday, Ford’s chief of staff, Earl Provost, said he could not speak to the Star about the video. “I am sorry I cannot talk to you about this,” Provost said.
Last week, Police Chief Bill Blair announced that investigators had recovered two video clips relevant to extortion charges laid against the mayor’s “close friend” Alexander “Sandro” Lisi. One of those videos is of the mayor smoking what appears to be crack.
The video emerges after seven days of revelations. Last Thursday, Chief Bill Blair announced police had found the crack video, the one Star reporters viewed that shows Ford making homophobic and racist comments while smoking a crack pipe. Brother Doug called for Blair to resign. Then the mayor announced he had smoked crack cocaine, once, during a “drunken stupor.”
Mayor Ford then said, “I have nothing left to hide.”
WATCH his violent tirade…
And how is he still in office?
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