Friday 1 November 2013


This is just sad! A homeless man lay dead in a busy downtown Houston street for nearly a day as people took snaps of his corpse on their cellphones, cops say.The pantsless body of the man, known as “Big Guy,” was left unattended on the corner of Travis and Anita streets for more than 20 hours Monday as hundreds of workers walked by.Cops claim that passersby believed the man was just sleeping and that no one had noticed he was dead. That was despite one walker even stopping to put a sweater over him. It led Houston Police Department Sgt. Brian Harris to slam all those who failed to help someone who was clearly in need. “If they just had used their cellphone to make a call instead of a picture, perhaps this man could still be alive today,” he said. “I would like to say our city is better than that, as a matter of fact, I know our city is better than that,” he added. The man was believed to have died of natural causes. Officials are now trying to confirm his identity. RIP… What do you think?

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