Wednesday 13 November 2013


Kenya Moore has never been one to approve of anything her “Real Housewives of Atlanta” rival Porsha Stewart does. But the beef-loving “RHOA” star really doesn’t seem to like that Porsha questioned her soon-to-be ex-husband, Kordell Stewart’s, sexuality, implying that at least part of the reason for the divorce is that he’s gay. Now, Moore is saying that Porsha’s claims are nothing short of “disturbing.”“I find it quite disturbing that Porsha and her family go on and on about the fact that Kordell may be gay. After all, she told the world she had a ‘picture perfect life’ and married the ‘man of her dreams,’ ” Moore wrote in a recent Bravo TV blog post. We toldya during the season, Porsha questioned her husband’s attraction to her, saying, “There were definitely times in the marriage that Kordell didn’t necessarily want me physically.”But in Kenya’s eyes, if Kordell really is gay, why would Porsha have gone through so much trouble to get him back? “Cut to Porsha sitting with the attorney agreeing to take him back if he abided by a ‘list,’ ” she continued. “Well, a thinking person with a brain would ask the question that if the main problem was that he is possibly gay, why would you want him back? I don’t think Porsha is telling the whole truth. That’s always been my opinion of her and it remains the same after listening to her recall the ‘facts’ about their marriage.” Well, we certainly can’t say it’s a surprise that Kenya doesn’t like Porsha’s methods or that she publicly blasted her. Meanwhile…watch Kordell clear up the gay rumors once and for all (we hope). What do you think?

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