Friday 25 October 2013


It seems performing to sell out crowds isn’t enough to give Beyonce the adrenaline rush she craves. So, she did what any legendary pop diva looking for adventure would do – she jumped off a damn building.Earlier this week, we toldya Beyonce posted pics of herself about to freefall off Auckland’s Sky Tower in New Zealand, the birthplace of extreme adventure. The tower touts its SkyJump – a heart-pounding base jump off the top of the building while attached to a wire – as one of New Zealand’s “most thrilling tourist attractions.” But it doesn’t come cheap, especially considering the “free fall” portion lasts only 11 seconds. An individual SkyJump is $250 or you can jump as a family (2 adults and 2 kids) for $700. You can check out video of the SkyJump here…

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