Wednesday 13 November 2013


Orlando Magic star Glen Davis — aka “Big Baby” — threw a MAJOR TEMPER TANTRUM at a Florida mote, breaking a hotel computer. It all went down early Saturday at a Travelodge in Orlando, FL — when the 27-year-old tried to book a room with the front desk and was told the place was sold out. Glen — clearly frustrated — reached over the front desk and grabbed a keyboard, which he proceeded to rip from the front desk computer and throw across the lobby. Davis then stormed out of the motel in anger. The Travelodge employee immediately called police … and moments later, two cops arrived on scene. Law enforcement sources say cops investigated the situation but Davis was not arrested. So why was Davis in such a crappy mood? Earlier that night, the Magic lost to Glen’s former squad … the Boston Celtics. The hotel has been in contact with the Magic regarding payment for hotel damages. One source says the team has already cut a check. Big Baby issued an apology (on Twitter) … writing, “In regards to the incident that occurred on Friday night, I want to sincerely apologize for my actions. There is no excuse for what I did. I was obviously wrong and I take full responsibility. I apologize to the Magic, my fans and the city of Orlando.”

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